


31-12-2005   Ralf und freunden   Article  in German Markt Magazine

29-12-2005 added a simple guestbook without advertisement

28-12-2005 coca cola christmas

28-12-2005 Peter is the new owner of xZP - 27 - 27x with manta 1600 engine

28-12-2005 Winter in Sweden

28-12-2005 send by Victor 1957 olympia

28-12-2005 send by Victor 1955 delivery

28-12-2005 send by Victor 1954 delivery

28-12-2005 send by victor 1954 caravan

28-12-2005 send by victor 1953 delivery

28-12-2005 send by Victor   Olympia ?1951?

28-12-2005   caracteristiques send by Victor

28-12-2005 German maintenance book in the car  send by Victor       

28-12-2005 added 6 pics of modelcar easy to change

28-12-2005    xGS - 18 - 49x   Henk Gieszen seen on other site  made a page on this site

28-12-2005    Jens Dempewulf   Germany with    chrome engine

24-12-2005    Christmas present from Santa       

23-12-2005     xMP - 65 - 25x  restauratie project  send by Vera

22-12-2005    Greg Monostori Hungary   with a story

21-12-2005 added 2 pictures caravan

21-12-2005 chanched     added   from website jensen

20-12-2005 instruction posters   send by Rickard    

20-12-2005 Overview of carbrochures of Opel in the  fifties and sixties    

17-12-2005 copy of a webpage of about cabriolets from Autenrieth

17-12-2005 added pick-up pictures on  specials page

17-12-2005 better scan of caravan folder

17-12-2005 Redisign factory page , 18 pictures scaned

16-12-2005 Advertisement

13-12-2005 Hannu and Mirja Koutone Finland Chevrolet 1955 look        

13-12-2005 Kurt  België   

13-12-2005 http://users.skynet.be/opelp1/    link naar website in Belgie   

06-12-2005 rekord Amerika 1960 

06-12-2005 added pictures amarican ads

06-12-2005 added 3 german and 3 norwegian pics of a car-a-van

06-12-2005 Opel Kapitan 1958 English carbrochure

06-12-2005 page of different languages brochures update with more pictures

29-11-2005 added 3 pics of a car-a-van

29-11-2005 added new photo of argentine 

27-11-2005   xGX - 21 - 77x  Olympia for rent

27-11-2005 added more internetpictures

27-11-2005 new owner from finland   

27-11-2005 puzzle 1200

27-11-2005 pictures added of a unrestored car

27-11-2005 opel kapitan p1

27-11-2005 all models page redesign

26-11-2005 the domainname opel-p1.nl official online 500 Mb available webspace !!!

counter till now 4000 visitors 21.000 pages

a collection of more than 1000 pictures and 470 links to other  sites

24-11-2005 calanders etc

24-11-2005 more postcards

24-11-2005 new owner from portugal

24 -11 2005 added more pictures brochures

23-11-2005 preparing offline site to go online soon 

22-11-2005 making start of opel-p1.nl  domain registration

18-11-2005 xGF - 59 - 12x  opel p1 in Netherlands

16-11-2005 2.000.000 opels museum by the factory 

14-11-2005 German special brochure

11-11-2005 added lego pics by modelcars

11-11-2005 cabriolets

11-11-2005 postcards etc

10-11-2005 new car owner from Danmark  

09-11-2005 again a new car owner from Germany  

31-10-2005 new car owner from Germany  

14-03-2004 start counting visitors

??-02-2003 start of my website



This site contains only information of  Opel P1 models:  Opel Rekord or Olympia  end 1957 ,1958,1959,1960,1961. with a 1500cc or a 1700 cc engine and the opel 1200 cc model 1962.

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